Thursday, October 25, 2012

Failed V.2 Update

Hello everyone!

I know it has been a very long time since I last posted but i have been very busy lately.
Soo I just wanted to update you guys, yes I did go back to the DMV to retake my test and no I did not pass.. :( We didn't even get to the three point turn this time. It was the reversing straight. We had parked and the I reversed, so the tires were already crooked so when she said to reverse 50 ft. I was going crooked and she automatically failed me! But on the bright side i did go the same week and passed with flying colors!

 Also I got my car! since I don't have much time to be posting i will tell you the car.... drum roll please! A 2012 Hyundai Sonata SE! Yes a SE except it doesn't have a GPS or sunroof, but hey its my first car, and i love it! it is a brand new car but it is leased but i honestly don't mind!

P.S. I AM NOT A BAD DRIVER! I just had to put that in there Lol

Hopefully i can post again soon, Love you all! :)